Emerging Spirits Rev. Jymme Blog

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Avenue of Abundance

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Good God Day to you all! Sending large amounts of blessings your way. Meditating on abundance and prosperity comes so much more easily when you start with gratitude. Jesus often thanked God before receiving just as we say grace before we share a meal. Thank God for the prosperity you are receiving right now, today, […]

Abundance, God is Good

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Good Glorious Day to you, We are so blessed, just by looking out our window we see so much beauty, it can break our hearts wide open. I am in gratitude. “God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what […]

Dr. Larkin/Ernest Holmes on Prosperity

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Good afternoon you prosperous beings! Here are a couple of quotes that spoke to me this morning and I wanted to share. “Prosperity consciousness is not materialism; it’s divine attunement. It’s knowing your oneness with all the resources so you don’t cut yourself off from your supply. You see, poverty is a ‘dis-ease,’ and prosperity […]

Uplifting Quotes from Eric Butterworth

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The whole Universe is on your side. Life is forever biased on the side of healing, on the side of overcoming, on the side of success. When you get yourself centered in the Universal flow you become synchronized with this divine bias for good. Infinite Mind will put ideas into your mind, words into your […]

Hope & Prosperity

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Sending you love! Keep on Keeping On! Thinking about “Hope” from my message yesterday: “Allow the light of what brings you SOUL DEEP JOY guide you towards your life’s work. Do whatever it takes to invest your time here on earth doing that and you will always know prosperity.” From “Messages of Hope” Start each […]

Kuan Yin – Beliefs

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“Everyone creates realities based on their own personal beliefs. These beliefs are so powerful that they can create [expansive or entrapping] realities over and over. ~Kuan Yin” We expand and grow, we are rich in love and friendships. We have all we need and more! All good, loving, and kind experiences are ours to enjoy. […]