Making Prayer Work for You
Prayer is the medium of miracles

Experience the Qualities of God, make affirmative prayer a natural part of your life and create more peace and a positive attitude.

Every request we receive here at Emerging Spirits Center is treated with love, compassion, respect, and confidentiality. We offer the sacred service of Affirmative Prayer to you, knowing that you are already perfect, whole and complete.

Confidentiality is very important to us. So, please know:
-All information you provide in your prayer request is confidential.
-All address information you provide is confidential.
-All interactions are completely confidential.Names and requests are held in the strictest confidence.

Please call our office (805) 651-0361 or email Marlene Brown at and your request will be turned over to our team of Practitioners for personal attention.

Our prayers will continue for 30 days.