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Bring a Friend to Church & Picnic Potluck

July 8, 2018 12 Noon

Sunday Service, July 8 music by Tom and Dawn and Wally for “Bring a friend to church” Sunday and Picnic Potluck!!!  Hot dogs & buns will be provided. You can bring a side dish, dessert or anythingyou would like on your dog.

Event Details

ESC “Sing Fest” with Paula Marie

July 7, 2018 4:00pm

Join us Saturday, July 7       4pm for sing along with Paula Marie Jones Our “sing fest” on July 7 is about having FUN with popular music. Sing-a-long to favorites from Vaudeville to early Broadway. Name that Tune Historical bits about songs, composers. Lots of interactive fun & snacks. Suggested Love Donation~~$10

Event Details